Thursday, November 10, 2011

PICTURES!!!! : )

During DT week we had to do different challenges. This one was taking photos of us playing Cricket, for a photo competition. It was cold and windy outside!
It was a very long hike up this hill especially since we did it after dark and  had our bags with us!

Here are a few pictures from our caving experience! To get inside the cave we had to lay on our backs and slither was so much fun!!! : )

They gave us coordinates, a compass, and a map. We had to figure out where we were going and how long it would take to get there!

Guys preparing to take there 15-20 mile hike through the mountains! Glad I didn't have to go with them! 

 Various things we did during the week:
1. Catered a VIP meal for about 14 people
2. Circuit Training
3. Licking each others toes to earn points(90 toes each)
4. Going into the very cold sea
And many many more things...too many to list!
Zack licking my toes!

While some went rock climbing....others went RAFTING!
Some of our camping, caving, climbing gear!

Our happy tired rafting team

Don't I look like I was having so much Fun! Haha!
Well we got our raft built...question is will it float?! : )
And this is Blake! lol 
Rafting in PJs!!

A few pictures I have taken in my free time!

Really old church...the first Vicar was in 601!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What is God doing?!

     I wanted to start by telling everyone I really appreciate your support! It's great to know there are people praying for me on a regular basis. I have realized even more the importance of having people praying for me. God has been so faithful! God has provided an awesome team for me to be a part of and I have been learning so much. I have been pushed way out of my comfort zone in several ways and each time God has been there to give me the courage and grace required for each situation.

     The major thing that has challenged me and put me in a place where I have been forced to step out and be more out going is at the African Community Center( where I volunteer every Friday. It is one of my favorite parts of the training program. Each week there are at least 13 women who come that are from 6 or more different countries. They all come from very difficult situations. Each Friday they come to the center and participate in a class. My main job is to help set up and then clean up afterwards. The part I enjoy the most though is talking with the women. I get to learn about the different cultures they come from and hear about their families who they are many times separated from. It gives me the chance to show the love of Jesus to them, which many of them have never experienced. Sometimes hearing their stories and how they ended up here can be overwhelming but I am so thankful for the opportunity it presents for me to pray for them.

     The other thing I do on Fridays is go out on the streets with some people from my church. Each Friday night we go walk around town and talk to people. There is a big problem here with drugs and alcohol. The unemployment rate is very high as well which does not help. People are lost and hurting and trying to find satisfaction in things that only bring them death. The exciting part is that we can go out and share with them that there is HOPE! There is a way out of the miserable life they are living!

    A few weeks ago we met a guy while we were out. He is a christian but about a year ago he was having some problems and started drinking. Since that time he has continued to drink. I have met several people with very similar stories but this particular person has really been on my heart. It's so hard to watch someone make the same mistake over and over and know that their choices will only lead to death. I am thankful though that I have met him, so now I can pray for him. I would love it if you could also pray for him. Going out on Friday nights has really stretched me. As many of you know I used to be so shy that I would not talk out in public so for me to be going out and talking to people who I do not know especially people who have been drinking and things is a big step for me. I still chicken out at times but God has really been helping me and meeting people like the man I shared about has helped me to remember its not about me but its about LOVING GOD and LOVING PEOPLE! Once again I am reminded of Acts 20:24 which says,"But none of these things move me nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."

    This last week in our class the teacher was talking about prayer. We all know prayer is essential and it changes things. However this week I was reminded of some of the people God has put in my life to pray for me, such as my grandma, my mom, the midwife who delivered me, and my youth pastors. God has used these people to help get me where I am today. So this has really encouraged me to pray more earnestly for individuals that I have met here and people in other nations who are not believers or have turned away from God.

     I have one last thing I would like to mention. As I shared with many of you before I left, towards the end of this year I will be required to move out in the community. At this point I do not know where I will be living or how much it will cost. I currently do not have enough monthly support to cover these cost. So I have a few prayer request: 1) please pray for my parents(they are having some health issues and also for provision for them as my mom will need to take some time off work)  2) if you could pray that I will be able to find an affordable place to live that is within walking distance of the center where I will continue to have my classes. 3) That I will have the required support to cover rent,bills, food, phone, and misc things 
I am trusting God and I am completely at peace. I know that God is faithful. I know that He did not bring me this far to leave me now. He has called me and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I want to encourage you that even when things may seem impossible just remember that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!!

Matthew 19:26
And Jesus looking upon them said to them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What in the World is Happening?!?!

   Many of you may have been thinking this in regards to me! It has been way too long since I have sent out a proper update. I do apologize. There have been lots of amazing things happening but in the midst of that it has been incredibly busy!
   Just a few of the things that have happened since my last blog post: 
      1. My classes have started
      2. I have started volunteering at an African Community Center once a week
      3. I am a part of a Friday night outreach with my church
      4. I am learning to cook! 
   Well as I said my classes have started! After each class ends it leaves me excited for the next one! A few of the classes I have had so far are Crucial Conversations, Evangelism, Discipleship, Bible Teaching, and a preview of Cross Cultural Studies. In Crucial Conversations-we learned about how to have difficult conversations effectively. We have all been in those situations maybe as a leader or just as a friend had to confront someone on a challenging subject and with this class we were given the tools and opportunity to put them into practice. Bible Teaching has been great! We are currently working our way through Genesis.

   One of my favorite things I have started doing in the last few weeks and will possibly do till May is volunteering at a place called African Community Center. It is located in a near by town. I have met 12-15 women from 8-10 different countries. Its a great opportunity to learn about different cultures, languages, try new food, and share the Love of Jesus. Most of the women are here seeking asylum for various reasons. Many of them have come from difficult situations. I am so blessed that I can be a part of their life and just love on them.
  Here in the town where I live there is a problem with drugs and alcohol. There are some particular areas in town that are more affected by this. So on Friday nights my church is open for coffee and tea. A small group of people will stay at the church and talk with people who come in off the streets. They offer them free coffee or tea and cookies. Then a few groups of people go out for about an hour at a time to share the Gospel with people. We going specifically to the areas that are heavily affected by the drug and alcohol abuse. We also invite people to come back to the church for a chat. This has definitely started to push me out of my comfort zone. Its great to be there for people, we can just love them and many times have opportunities to pray for them.
  Me cooking?! Its shocking...haha. Well I have never really cooked much before and definitely not for 10 people. We are split into 3 groups. Last week it was my groups turn to cook. We planned out the meals, went shopping for all the food, and then as we were preparing some meals things did not work out as planned. So we decided to forget the recipes and just make our own. It went surprisingly well...everyone liked the food!

Well this week we have Development Training! Its a week of little sleep, challenging situations, and learning more about myself! I will share more about that next week!

If you could please be praying for my grandpa as he is in the hospital and also my family. Please pray for peace for all of them and that God will give them wisdom. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support!

If there is anything I can pray for please let me know! I would love to be able to pray for you!

God Bless!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Am I Doing?

Serving, exploring, learning, adjusting, changing...when I think about the last 10 days these are the 1st words that come to mind. Many of you may be wondering what I have been doing since I left.

Serving--I have been washing dishes, cutting vegetables, cleaning bathrooms, and just doing whatever needs to be done.

Exploring--As most of you reading this know I just moved to Llanelli, Wales. So I have been doing lots of walking, looking around, just getting familiar with where I will be living for the next 10 months.

Learning--I have been learning new words...even though I'm in the UK and they speak english I have quickly learned they speak a much different english than what I grew up speaking : )

Adjusting--Well I have had to adjust to being in a different time zone, having a different schedule, not knowing anyone, not always being able to understand people when they talk(even though they are speaking english)

Changing--I have had to change the way I do some things, I have had to change certain words that I use. Most importantly though God has been changing me!

Next week I will have more time to process all that I have been hearing in the conference and what God has been teaching me these last few weeks. So I will have more to share soon!

I just want to thank everyone for their support!! I love and appreciate all of you more than I can express in words! If you have any thing you would like me to be praying for please let me know!

God Bless! ( :

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Wow! That is about all I have been able to say the last few months. I am in awe of God! Just a few months ago I had no idea how I would pay for the training program beside everything else that I would need before I left in August. In April I started raising support and figuring out what all would be required for me to do so that I could go for training in Wales. As I started figuring up the cost of the training, the plane ticket, insurance, and supplies that I would need to purchase I realized that it was impossible. I had no way in my own strength to come up with the finances. In spite of that I knew God was in control. He had provided me with this opportunity and I knew He would provide. All I had to do was just put my trust completely in Him and stand on the Word! So I made that decision that no matter what the circumstances looked like I was going to trust Him!

My first sort of deadline that I would have was I needed a specific amount in my bank account so that when I applied for my visa they could look back and see that I had sufficient funds to support myself. Money started coming in slowly the first few months but when the time came for my first deadline I had exactly what I needed. Around this time God gave me a divine connection with a couple who volunteered at VOM for several months. Through someone they knew I was able to get my airplane ticket at a discounted rate which saved me about $600. This was just one of the many miracles that God has done in these last few months. Someone blessed me with money to specifically be used to buy any supplies I would need. So I was able to buy every thing that I needed. Then it came time for me to apply for a visa. I did not realize how expensive visas can be. The amazing thing is that even though I had no idea God was already providing for my visa. Once I found out how much it was going to cost along with the postage I had more than enough to pay for it. It was so encouraging for me at that point to realize even though I was completely unaware God was making a way!

Now we fast forward to the last few weeks. I was still in need of about $4400 to cover training cost. I just kept standing on the Word. I had no doubt in my mind that God was going to provide. He had so far and I knew He was not going to leave me now! Within this last week my training was completely paid for!  I was also still in need of a bag to take with me and God provided that as well. I was given a very nice camping backpack just perfect for what I needed! Wow, Wow, Wow….God is so amazing! I feel so blessed to be a part of God’s plan and to be used by Him.

Just remember and never forget God is a good God, He is faithful, and He will always provide! I will have more to share! I am looking forward to what God has got planned and I am excited that you get to be a part of it with me!

If you have anything you would like prayer for please let me know! I would love to be able to stand in agreement with you!

God Bless!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Betrayal, Unfaithfulness, Deception

 At some point in our lives we have all experienced these things, whether it was from a friend, a spouse, a sibling, or a parent. Even as your reading this you may be reminded of the person who caused this hurt, but I want to encourage you today to know there is someone who will never betray you, He is always faithful--even when your not, and He will never deceive you.
As I have began a new phase in my life, there have been plenty of opportunities to worry, to be scared, or to give up and this is just the beginning, but I have been learning something. From the day that I gave my life to Christ to now as I sit and write this I have been learning of God's faithfulness! He has used various events in my life to prove His word that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is always going to be there no matter what and He never changes--He is the same yesterday, today, and forever(Hebrew 13:8).
As I have been preparing to leave in August, God has been revealing His faithfulness in different aspects of preparation. Here are just a few examples: my visa was more than I expected but He had already provided the finances to pay for it, He made a way for me to save at least $500 if not more on my plane ticket, He gave me peace in quitting my weekend job so that I could have a little extra time with my family, even though there are lots of uncertainties right now about how everything is going to work out He has given me complete peace, and He has showed me that no matter what the circumstance He will be with me!

Today I just want to encourage you to just put your trust fully in God. Here are a few scriptures to remember concerning trusting God and His faithfulness:

Proverbs 3:5 says, trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Lamentations 3:22-24--Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “ The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “ Therefore I hope in Him!”

Psalm 9:10--And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

Hebrews 13:5
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Just a few quick updates:
I had a garage sale a few weeks ago. Praise God! I made over $700! I just had a carwash this last weekend I made $360! I now have my visa and plane ticket. My last day at VOM will be August 12th and I will be flying out on August 16th! I appreciate everyone who has helped with the fundraisers I have done the last few months! I want to especially thank my mom! : ) Without God and her I wouldn't be where I am today!

If anyone has anything they would like prayer for please let me know. I would love to be able to stand in agreement with you! Thank you and God Bless!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Can't Do This!

    Last Saturday as I was reading a book called "A Passion for the Impossible". I came to a story of a Christian man from Algeria. He was asked to speak at his friend's funeral who was also a christian. When asked he felt "I cannot"--he could see nothing but the glaring eyes of the bystanders and the great knotted clubs in their hands, then it came to him--"I can die but once" and he spoke out unafraid.

   When I read this God did something in my heart that I do not think can even be expressed with words. To say He broke my heart does not even begin to describe what happened. My heart was so consumed with a love for the people of North Africa, that I just began to weep uncontrollably.
    In my natural mind I start to think its impossible. I cannot get up and speak in front of large groups of people, I cannot come up with the finances to fund what God is asking me to do, I cannot do this. Then the creator of the universe, the God who sent His Son to die for all mankind, the Father who loves me with an unconditional never ending love reminds me that I do not have to do it! He has never and never will ask me to do anything in my own ability. All He ask of me is to be wholly devoted to Him, to be completely transparent, and to be willing to be used by Him. What He is asking me to do has nothing to do with me. Its all so that He may be glorified and that the people He has called me to reach may come to know Him!

I want to challenge you just as God challenged me. When He ask you to do something and you think I cannot do this, remember 2 Corinthians 12:9. All we must do is be willing to let God use us!

If anyone has anything they would like prayer for please let me know! I would love to stand in agreement with you!

   I highly recommend reading the book I referred to earlier. It is about a woman named Lilias Trotter who was a missionary in Algeria in the late 1800s to early 1900s. To see the love she had for the people of North Africa is just incredible and there is so much Godly wisdom that can be gained from her life.

   Just to give everyone an update: I am in the process of applying for my visa to the UK. I just have a few more steps before I can mail in my application!!  I am going to need about $4700 more to cover the cost of the training program. I have two things I would like prayer for: I am still in need of more monthly supporters and that I am granted a visa without any problems. I just wanted to thank everyone who has given financially and those who have also been praying for me! Its a great encouragement to know that there are people who are committed to helping me fulfill the plan God has for my life!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Where's the Joy?

      The last few weeks I have been letting situations in my life determine my joy. I knew this was happening but I just kept ignoring it. But God being the Loving father that He is did not want me to stay that way. He used my awesome friend/roommate to remind me that what is going on around me should not affect the joy in me! Here is the video that she shared with me--->
      After watching this I started looking up scriptures about JOY. Here are a few that I looked up: Nehemiah not sorrow, for the JOY of the LORD is your strength, Psalm 126:5, Psalm 5:11, James 1:2-Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy, Psalm 30:5, 2 Corinthians 8:2, Galatians 5:22, Colossians 1:10-12.
     Through these scriptures God reminded me that no matter what may be going on in my life, I have no reason not to be JOYFUL! As I was looking up scriptures, I came to Acts 20:24 this is one I know well.     
      Several years ago when I was in China God used this verse to completely change my perspective and give me a deeper compassion for people. Since that time has used this scripture often to help me keep focused on what I am doing and why.
     So as I was reading I came to the word JOY...But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, SO THAT I may finish my race with JOY, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. At the time Paul wrote this he was on his way to Jerusalem. All he knew was what the Holy Spirit had told him that chains and tribulations were awaiting him. Yet as we see from this verse that he knew his JOY was not dependent on his circumstances. We must remember to base our JOY on the salvation we have been given and not on the situations in our life. I want to leave you with one last scripture.
               Psalm 16:11- You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is FULLNESS of JOY; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.  

      I am currently building a team of people who would like to support me on a monthly basis. God has given me a passion to go in serve in nations where many people have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel. There are countries where relationships are so important to them yet they are missing out on the most important relationship they could have and that is with Jesus Christ.
      As it says in Romans 10:14-15 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “ How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!”    
      This is not something I can accomplish on my own. God created us as a body. Just as all the parts of our bodies work together, God intended the same for the church. If you would like join with me in this you can give on a monthly basis or you can also make a one time donation. Please email me at and I will be happy to send you more information on how you can make a tax deductible donation.

If you have anything you would like prayer for please let me know and also if you have any questions feel free to email me at the above address.  God Bless!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

That's Impossible!

     I am sure we have all had someone tell us that we could not do something or we have come up against a situation that just seemed impossible. When I started going on short term mission trips, I had people tell me that I was too young, that I would not have the money to go, or some other reason that it should be impossible for God to use. God showed me that was not true and that NOTHING is impossible with Him.
     He gave me the opportunity to go, He provided the finances for me to go, and He slowly pushed me out of my comfort zone and gave me the ability to do whatever He was asking me to do! There have been many times throughout my life that I have faced situations that seemed impossible, but God was always true to His word. Just at it says in Mark 10:27 "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God ALL things are possible." 
     As I am preparing to move overseas and go into full time missions God has been reminding me that through Him all things are possible. All I must do is BELIEVE! In Mark 9:23 Jesus said,"If you can believe all things are possible to him who believes." Also in Matthew 9:27-30 when the two blind men came to Jesus to be healed they believed and were healed. A passage of scripture that I have come to know well and have seen God prove it to be true numerous times is Mark 11:22-24, So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
     It is great to know that I am not in this alone! God is always there no matter what, all I must do is trust Him! Just remember ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!
    I have exciting news! I did a car wash on Saturday and I made $360!! God really blessed me with some awesome help on Saturday! They also said they would like to help me do another car wash. So the next car wash will be sometime in July. I will be having a garage sale on June 25th. If anyone would like to donate things for the sale. Please email me at or contact me on facebook. If you have any thing you would like me to agree with you in prayer on please let me know! 
      Matthew 18:19 says, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven."

Friday, May 6, 2011

Do you have peace?

       Its awesome to see God work! Philippians 4:4-7 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
      Tonight I heard a great message on this passage of scripture but also this is something God had already been reminding me of. In preparing to go into full time missions there have been those times when I started to worry and wonder if God was really going to work all this out. I know He is but sometimes if we let it, our mind can sure get in the way! The thing that has stuck out to me the most is the promise that we can have PEACE even in the midst of whatever might be going on around us. All we have to do is come to God with prayer and thanksgiving. Which in this verse Thanksgiving means worship. So when we Worship God and spend time in His presence we will have the peace that verse 7 talks about, a peace that goes beyond our understanding.
          I have a few updates...I received $500 this last week!  I also did a fundraiser with a local restaurant and raised $50. Praise God!! I am looking at doing a car wash soon and will also be doing a garage sale in June.

Prayer Request:
     1. that God will give me wisdom for what my next steps should be
     2. as God stretches me and pushes me out of my comfort zone, that God will give me the strength and grace to do what He is asking of me

If anyone has anything they would like prayer about please let me know! I would love to be able to agree with you in prayer for needs you may have in your life!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Have You Been Saying?

As I was reading my Bible this morning, God reminded me of something. In Luke 6:45 it says, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." As I was reading this I started thinking about what I have been saying in light of things going on in the world and just in my day to day life. I thought have I been speaking the Word? Have I been speaking words of encouragement? Or have I been tearing people down and not speaking words of Life?
       God also tied a couple of other verses in with this, Luke 6:35-36. It says, "But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful."
       So through these verses God has reminded me that I must have a constant in flow of His Word. When I stop putting His Word in other things are then allowed to creep into my heart. Which affects how I speak and how I treat others. So remember as you are talking with others or those times when we get irritated with someone...what comes out? Is it words of encouragement, words of Life or is it words of discouragement and hurt??

Ephesians 4:29- Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Long Term Missions Training Begins- Aug 2011

          Now that you have seen a glimpse of where I started and how God has gotten me to where I am today, I would like to share with you the next step! This August I will be going to Wales. I will be doing a 9 month long term missions training program. ( Through this program I will receive the training necessary for me to live and work effectively in a cross-cultural situation. There are two parts to this training. The first is various classes. Here's a list of some of the classes I will be taking: Spiritual warfare, cultural studies, prayer, ethics, church planting. The second part is practical ministry. We will be doing things in the community, I will be involved in a local church, and reaching out to the people around me who are not believers.
         This is not something I can do on my own. I need people who are committed to seeing the great commission fulfilled and who believe in what God is doing in me and through me. As is says in Romans 10:14-15, how then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” 
         The two vital ways you can be a part of this with me is through prayer and financial support. If you would like to support me on a monthly basis or make a one time donation money can be sent directly to World Horizons. All money sent to them is tax deductible. Please email me at for instructions on sending money directly to World Horizons.
       I also need people who are committed to praying for me. As I move out into full time missions there will be many changes, adjustments, and challenges. Having a great team of people praying for me will not only make this time of transition for me easier but will enable me to be more affective in fulfilling the work God has for me in my time in Wales and also as I go out from there.

Training Program Cost and what it covers:
  • $5700                  
  • Training supplies
  • Any traveling done as part of the training

Amount of Monthly Support and what will be used for:
  • $1300/month
  • Housing
  •  Food
  •  Health insurance
  •  Taxes
  • Other misc expenses

North Africa 2010

In the fall of 2009 I met a man at a church here in Oklahoma who was originally from Pakistan. My friend that was with me knew I wanted to talk to him but was to shy. So she walked up to him and introduced me and left me there to talk to him. I was so nervous and not sure what to say. I told him a little about myself and that I had a desire to go to northern Africa and why. He told me he did not know anyone there but knew someone who did. After emailing several people I was connected with a group going on a short term trip into a north African country.
        When we first arrived it was definitely an overwhelming experience. All the women were wearing djellabas, only their faces showing, I did not understand the language, but there was something else that I experienced. As I looked at the people walking down the street or in the shops along the way, I saw them with God's eyes. I saw them as a people who only knew Jesus as a prophet not as their Savior. Many of them have never heard and may never hear of what Jesus did for them.
       The highlight of the trip for me was when I had the opportunity to stay in the homes of a couple families. Even though I did not speak the language, we found ways to communicate. As they taught me how to cut vegetables and make mint tea, and showed me how they made bread, I got a  glimpse into their daily life. We spent time praying for the people and for their leaders. I believe God has given me a desire to go back and show them the love of Jesus. Also to encourage the believers that live there. As I have learned from my time at Voice of the Martyrs, that life is not easy for them. They risk their jobs, families, and even their lives to follow Jesus.

This is a picture of one of the places we visited in a well known city. It is called the Bab Bou Jeloud.

This is one of the towns we visited in the northern part of the country.

South Africa '05-China '06

A  few years down the road and a couple of mission trips later I found myself in South Africa. I was so excited! This was my first trip to Africa! I met a couple while there. During my time there they both became believers and the wife was healed. When my group first arrived at their home we served them by just helping with their daily chores. We washed clothes, scrubbed the floor, and through this shared the gospel. We found out that the wife had something wrong with her eyes and could no longer see. We read her stories out of the Bible of how Jesus healed the blind. We then asked if she would like us to pray for her to be healed, she said yes! We all prayed in agreement and came back the next day to find a woman who could see! Her eyes had been a yellowish color and now they were completely cleared up and she could see perfectly!
       Wow! I was 17 and had never prayed for anyone to be healed. It was amazing to see God work so powerfully in these peoples lives, and as much as they were changed so was I. That passion that God had given me for missions increased even more! This is a picture of that couple.

In January of 2006 I was preparing to go to Botswana that summer. I had already signed up and started planning for the trip. One Wednesday night my youth pastor asked me if I had ever thought about going to China. I did not tell him at the time but China was the one place I had told God I would never go. I was willing to go anywhere but there! He went on to tell me about when he had gone. Sounded like an amazing trip but just not for me. He told me I should pray about it and I half heartily told him I would.
             The next few days I did pray about it and just felt that God was leading me to change my plans and go to China. I did not know why but I told God I would go. So that June I got on a plane and ended up in the place I had told God I would NEVER go. Sadly I arrived with a bad attitude. It was hot, smelly, and there were way too many people! God had a bigger plan than what I could ever have imagined.
        In my quiet time one day I read Acts 20:24. God used that verse to adjust my attitude and completely change my outlook. I read all that Paul had been through yet he was not going to give up. He was determined to remain faithful, finish his race with Joy and to testify to the gospel of the Grace of God! This has become my life verse. It reminds me why I am here and what I have been sent to do! After I was willing to give up my wants and comforts God was able to do amazing things through me! Here is a picture of some of the students I worked with while there.

Call to Missions-Dec 2001

I was in San Diego, California just a week after Christmas for a youth conference. I have lots of great memories, all the awesome speakers and bands but there is one thing that happened there that I will never forget!
          We were listening to a youth pastor speak at one of the sessions. I do not remember much of what he talked about but I do remember that the Holy Spirit was talking to me. I had just gone on my first missions trip in August and knew that was what God was calling me to do long term. It was that day though as the Holy Spirit was talking He revealed another piece of God's plan. I felt in my spirit that I would be living in Africa someday. At that point I did not know how, when, or where but I was very sure of what He had told me. So from that point on I started telling my parents I was going to live in Africa and started going on every short term missions trip I could!

Introduced to Missions-Aug 2001

               A few years prior to 2001, I read a book called Tortured for Christ. This was the first time I had heard of a modern day persecuted church. It was not just something that happened in the Bible but was still going on today. It opened my eyes to what believers around the world were facing and gave me a passion to encourage and support them in any way I could. After reading this book I was given my first introduction to missions.
          In August of 2001, I went on my first missions trip to Kansas City. My youth pastor took a group of us to a church that had been flooded. We helped clean up the church, paint, and did a vacation bible with the neighborhood kids. One of the best things that happened on the trip was I forgot that it was my birthday. I had forgotten till someone reminded me. Though its something small and kind of funny, God used it to show me something. What He showed me that day would completely change the course of my life. I did not have a full understanding of what this meant but I knew I wanted to do missions the rest of my life.