Sunday, August 28, 2011

What Am I Doing?

Serving, exploring, learning, adjusting, changing...when I think about the last 10 days these are the 1st words that come to mind. Many of you may be wondering what I have been doing since I left.

Serving--I have been washing dishes, cutting vegetables, cleaning bathrooms, and just doing whatever needs to be done.

Exploring--As most of you reading this know I just moved to Llanelli, Wales. So I have been doing lots of walking, looking around, just getting familiar with where I will be living for the next 10 months.

Learning--I have been learning new words...even though I'm in the UK and they speak english I have quickly learned they speak a much different english than what I grew up speaking : )

Adjusting--Well I have had to adjust to being in a different time zone, having a different schedule, not knowing anyone, not always being able to understand people when they talk(even though they are speaking english)

Changing--I have had to change the way I do some things, I have had to change certain words that I use. Most importantly though God has been changing me!

Next week I will have more time to process all that I have been hearing in the conference and what God has been teaching me these last few weeks. So I will have more to share soon!

I just want to thank everyone for their support!! I love and appreciate all of you more than I can express in words! If you have any thing you would like me to be praying for please let me know!

God Bless! ( :

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Wow! That is about all I have been able to say the last few months. I am in awe of God! Just a few months ago I had no idea how I would pay for the training program beside everything else that I would need before I left in August. In April I started raising support and figuring out what all would be required for me to do so that I could go for training in Wales. As I started figuring up the cost of the training, the plane ticket, insurance, and supplies that I would need to purchase I realized that it was impossible. I had no way in my own strength to come up with the finances. In spite of that I knew God was in control. He had provided me with this opportunity and I knew He would provide. All I had to do was just put my trust completely in Him and stand on the Word! So I made that decision that no matter what the circumstances looked like I was going to trust Him!

My first sort of deadline that I would have was I needed a specific amount in my bank account so that when I applied for my visa they could look back and see that I had sufficient funds to support myself. Money started coming in slowly the first few months but when the time came for my first deadline I had exactly what I needed. Around this time God gave me a divine connection with a couple who volunteered at VOM for several months. Through someone they knew I was able to get my airplane ticket at a discounted rate which saved me about $600. This was just one of the many miracles that God has done in these last few months. Someone blessed me with money to specifically be used to buy any supplies I would need. So I was able to buy every thing that I needed. Then it came time for me to apply for a visa. I did not realize how expensive visas can be. The amazing thing is that even though I had no idea God was already providing for my visa. Once I found out how much it was going to cost along with the postage I had more than enough to pay for it. It was so encouraging for me at that point to realize even though I was completely unaware God was making a way!

Now we fast forward to the last few weeks. I was still in need of about $4400 to cover training cost. I just kept standing on the Word. I had no doubt in my mind that God was going to provide. He had so far and I knew He was not going to leave me now! Within this last week my training was completely paid for!  I was also still in need of a bag to take with me and God provided that as well. I was given a very nice camping backpack just perfect for what I needed! Wow, Wow, Wow….God is so amazing! I feel so blessed to be a part of God’s plan and to be used by Him.

Just remember and never forget God is a good God, He is faithful, and He will always provide! I will have more to share! I am looking forward to what God has got planned and I am excited that you get to be a part of it with me!

If you have anything you would like prayer for please let me know! I would love to be able to stand in agreement with you!

God Bless!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Betrayal, Unfaithfulness, Deception

 At some point in our lives we have all experienced these things, whether it was from a friend, a spouse, a sibling, or a parent. Even as your reading this you may be reminded of the person who caused this hurt, but I want to encourage you today to know there is someone who will never betray you, He is always faithful--even when your not, and He will never deceive you.
As I have began a new phase in my life, there have been plenty of opportunities to worry, to be scared, or to give up and this is just the beginning, but I have been learning something. From the day that I gave my life to Christ to now as I sit and write this I have been learning of God's faithfulness! He has used various events in my life to prove His word that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is always going to be there no matter what and He never changes--He is the same yesterday, today, and forever(Hebrew 13:8).
As I have been preparing to leave in August, God has been revealing His faithfulness in different aspects of preparation. Here are just a few examples: my visa was more than I expected but He had already provided the finances to pay for it, He made a way for me to save at least $500 if not more on my plane ticket, He gave me peace in quitting my weekend job so that I could have a little extra time with my family, even though there are lots of uncertainties right now about how everything is going to work out He has given me complete peace, and He has showed me that no matter what the circumstance He will be with me!

Today I just want to encourage you to just put your trust fully in God. Here are a few scriptures to remember concerning trusting God and His faithfulness:

Proverbs 3:5 says, trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Lamentations 3:22-24--Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “ The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “ Therefore I hope in Him!”

Psalm 9:10--And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

Hebrews 13:5
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Just a few quick updates:
I had a garage sale a few weeks ago. Praise God! I made over $700! I just had a carwash this last weekend I made $360! I now have my visa and plane ticket. My last day at VOM will be August 12th and I will be flying out on August 16th! I appreciate everyone who has helped with the fundraisers I have done the last few months! I want to especially thank my mom! : ) Without God and her I wouldn't be where I am today!

If anyone has anything they would like prayer for please let me know. I would love to be able to stand in agreement with you! Thank you and God Bless!!